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The background

Our story begins with creativity. The therapy lab is located in the former artist's studio Sallenbach, Gockhausen.

KS on the white marble.jpg

Katharina Sallenbach (1920 to 2013) was a Zurich sculptor. In addition to her artistic work, she practiced yoga every day. She took hatha yoga lessons from the Indian master Selvarajan Yesudian (1916 to 1998), who founded the first yoga school in Switzerland.

What is Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is a style of yoga that includes chanting, breathwork, and repetitive yoga postures. Kundalini is the  life source energy. It is the foundation of our creative power, spiritual gifts and divine feminine energy.

Why Kundalini Yoga and Meditation

In scientific studies, Kundalini Yoga shows positive results for stress and anxiety; improves cognitive function, self-awareness and self-esteem. The direct relation to the body enables relaxation as well as strengthening the nervous system. This has a direct positive effect on overall well-being. Here are links to the studies: reducing anxiety,stress reductionandImprovement in cognitive functions.

Photos and newspaper articles from the origins

Click on the images to view the gallery

Artist Center Gockhausen: A project from the 50s
and 1960s

"A studio in the great outdoors, that's an old dream,
which is to be realized here"

-ert- NZZ 23.12.1958

Artists' settlement NZZ 6.10.1963.jpg

NZZ 6.10.1963

NZZ 23.12.1958

NZZ 6.10.1963

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